Scholarship available for 2025 Oceana County High School Graduates

Looking for a way to make your voice heard?

  1. Download the ‘5 calls’ app to your phone and start calling your congressional members with your concerns.

  2. Go to https:/ to phone bank or send postcards for the critical house races in Florida and the Supreme Court race in Wisconsin.

  3. Check out , the blue handbook on how to fight back with your dollars.

Upcoming Events:

April General Membership Meeting - April 1 at 7 PM at the Hart Community Center.

HANDS OFF Mass Mobilization Saturday, April 5th

11 AM - optional lunch at Brown Bear in Pentwater

Noon - 1 PM - Pentwater Village Green

1:30 - 2:30 PM - Hart - Oceana County Courthouse

3 - 4 PM - Rothbury Village Hall

Highway Trash Pickup - Thursday, April 10th at 9 AM

Rural Summit of the Rural Caucus of the MDP - April 10 - 13 in Sault Ste Marie, MI

Oceana County Democratic Party’s Vision Statement

The Oceana County Democratic Party supports flourishing communities by advocating for and promoting economic growth and equity for all.

Our Purpose

Today’s Democratic Party encourages forward-looking/progressive perspectives through thoughtful, reflective, and respectful exchanges of viewpoints. The Party promotes a strong democracy through free and fair elections, encourages a federal government which regulates business and industry to promote the public interest, ensures a system of fair and impartial justice for all, and supports the most vulnerable of citizens among us. In promoting those values, our party:

A. Advocates for government investment in people through:

  1. Protection of air, land and water

  2. Equal and humane treatment under the law

  3. Support for public safety

  4. Health security for families and individuals

  5. Resources to address education, skill training, jobs and housing needs

B. Organizes the Democratic electorate

C. Aids qualified Democratic candidates for local, county, states, and national elections


The Oceana County Democratic Party meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 7 PM.

Check the upcoming events page (Upcoming Events - Oceana County Democrats)

for more details or email a request for information to

How to connect with us

Facebook: Oceana County Democrats

